Significance of Salatul Tasbeeh

Namaz-e-Tasbeeh or Salatul Tasbih is an exceptional supplication having extraordinary excellencies and advantages. Despite the fact that it isn't obligatory to perform namaz-e-tasbeeh, it is suggested in hadith that one ought to play out this supplication on regular routine assuming conceivable on the off chance that not, once in week, assuming that that isn't likewise imaginable once in month, assuming once can't play out this petition once in a month, once ought to perform it once in a year and regardless of whether that is preposterous then it is enormously accentuated to offer namaz-e-tasbeeh without a moment's delay in a day to day existence time. Hadith has depicted incredible ethics and advantages of namaz-e-tasbeeh. Our Beloved Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) said to his uncle (father's sibling) Sayyidna Abbas (may Allah be satisfied with him) Oh uncle will I not give you Shall I not award you Shall I not grant you Shall I not do kindness on you When you complete 1...